We, Anne and Tanja from Germany are visiting friends in Hawaii the 15th to the 25th of January 2015!
You can find more information about the healing work at our blog:
We can give some divine straightenings, healings, lectures, channelings in this time when somebody needs our help!
We are leading the first school of the "Divine Straightening" Anne opend at 1995.
As the biggest healing center in Europe, we, Anne and Tanja are currently working and teaching in 7 countries with Canada being the latest one to have certified practitioners. We hope to expand to Hawaii one day as well.
Last year we helped Italy for legalization of the spirit healing!
Here are some of the first Italian scientific results:
In 2014, we awarded 46 practitioners in Italy with a diploma and helped legalize there healing work in their country.
If there is enough interest, we will start offering classes on a regular basis, please contact us for more information.
Spine straightening is gathering more and more attention all over the world – the health minister of Lithuania, Professor Jurgis Bredikis even wants to teach this method at the University and invited Anne and Tanja to the main hospitals in his country.
Love and Greetings
Anne and Tanja